Taney County Health Department Vaccinates 3152 Residents Against COVID-19

210219 Logo TCHD Taney County Health Department

210219 Logo TCHD Taney County Health Department 600x338 - Taney County Health Department Vaccinates 3152 Residents Against COVID-19The Taney County Health Department (TCHD), in conjunction with the Missouri National Guard,
vaccinated 1200 Taney County Residents against COVID-19, on Saturday, February 13, 2021.
“This clinic would not have been possible without the National Guard and the many volunteers who came
out to help.” Lisa Marshall Director of TCHD, “Thank you to everyone who gave up their Saturday and
made it happen.”

To date, TCHD has vaccinated 3152 residents and 1487 residents have had both first and second doses.
Vaccine supply continues to be the biggest obstacle in vaccinating residents as quickly as possible. Each
week, the state of Missouri receives approximately 76,000 vaccines. These vaccines are distributed across
the state in the following way:

• 53% to hospitals (ie Cox and Mercy)
• 23% to National Guard for regional mass vaccination clinics
• 8% to Local Public Health Agencies (ie TCHD)
• 8% to Federally Qualified Health Centers (ie Jordan Valley)
• 8% to other enrolled providers or “community providers” requesting vaccine (ie pharmacies)

“We are encouraging residents to get on as many waitlists as possible,” states Lisa Marshall, Director of
TCHD, “Hospitals are receiving the majority of the vaccine and will be able to vaccinate those on their
waiting lists quicker simply because of supply.”

TCHD continues to follow the guidelines for distributing the vaccine set forth by the State of Missouri.
Currently, we are vaccinating those in Phase 1B tier 2.

For a complete list of the priority groups, visit https://covidvaccine.mo.gov

Taney County Health Department is committed to vaccinating the residents of Taney County as quickly
as possible. Please continue to practice masking, physically distancing, and handwashing, and thank you
for your patience.

For more information contact the Taney County Health Department at 417-334-4544, visit our website at
www.taneycohealth.org, or like our FaceBook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages.
