A weekly Branson update from Mayor Edd Akers -Feb14, 2021


BR Logo Opinion 600x337 - A weekly Branson update from Mayor Edd Akers -Feb14, 2021Dear Branson Community,

First, thank you to our great Public Works team for keeping our roads safe this week. Single-digit wind chill, hilly roads, and ice are not a good combination. The Public Works Department is doing a great job with this situation under the threat of more nasty weather to come.

As we approach the third Monday in February, we will take some time to celebrate Presidents’ Day. This day, along with Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Columbus Day, are three Federal Holidays that are part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act which took effect in 1971. Presidents’ Day was originally established in 1855 to recognize President George Washington. While the two most recognized leaders for this day are Washington and Lincoln, this is a good time to celebrate all of the leaders who came forward, volunteered, swore their oath, and served our great Nation as the chief executive.

The Branson Parks & Recreation Department is currently taking registrations for spring co-ed Youth and PeeWee Soccer. Youth leagues are available for boys and girls who are between five and 15-years old. Practices begin on March 8, 2021. The deadline to register for the youth league is Tuesday, February 23, 2021. You can find more information, including how to register, on the Branson Parks & Recreation’s website.

Now to continue our 2020 “Year in Review” as we look at some City accomplishments from the past year. Our Branson Police Department had a successful year in dealing with a variety of issues while ensuring the safety and security of our city. Our Uniform Crime Reporting Part 1 Offenses are down 32% over the last four-year period. Two of our Police Personnel received state-wide awards with Officer Donathan receiving the Missouri LAGERS 2020 Local Government Hero Award and Animal Control Officer Hurst receiving the 2020 Missouri Animal Control Association Paws for Applause Award. The BPD implemented online reporting in 2020 with 208 citizens reporting issues through that new tool. Branson Police Chief Jeff Matthews will present the annual Police Department Report to the Board of Aldermen at the March 18 Study Session which will be streamed live at www.bransonmo.gov/livestream. Please join me in recognizing our Police Department’s excellence in 2020.

Interesting Factoid of the Week: While you would expect the Mayor and Board of Alderman to focus their attention on the defined boundary of the City; we often categorize boundaries by “areas of responsibility, operations, and interest.” The Areas of Responsibility are the individual Wards our Alderman are responsible for. These Wards are the living areas of the citizens who voted them into office. The Area of Operation is the City Limits/Boundary of Branson which is the area of our primary focus as a Board to work within and care for. Areas of Interest are those areas outside our legal purview but where we have a concern, influence, or need to interact with. This would include surrounding cities and counties, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Table Rock, and tourist attractions outside the Branson City limits.

Thank you to those who continue to pray for our city. Please stay positive and be thankful for living in the best city in America.

Thank you for letting me serve you,

Mayor Edd Akers
