May 15 Message from Branson’s Mayor Akers

Branson Mayor, Edd Akers
200414 Edd Akers Head Shot 600x338 - May 15 Message from Branson's Mayor Akers
Branson Mayor, Edd Akers

Dear Branson Community,

As Governor Mike Parson stated, the reopening of our communities from the COVID-19 shutdown will be more like the turning of a dial and not like a flip of a switch. This gradual process can be seen in Branson as many businesses are working on their own timeline and putting their own policies and procedures in place to safely reopen.

I am grateful for the leadership of the Branson Chamber of Commerce’s Reopen Branson Task Force and the Taney County Health Department as they help guide and assist our community and guests so that we can reopen as safely as possible. These two organizations have many resources for residents, businesses, and guests on our theaters, attractions, restaurants, hotel/motels, and shopping. I would encourage anyone with questions or concerns to contact them.

We are not out of this situation yet. We all must remember to do everything we can to keep our area out of a hot spot resurgence status. This means to keep following the social distancing guidelines and other guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, and the Taney County Health Department. The cooperation and commitment I have witnessed from our community is what I hoped and expected from my hometown. Let’s keep it up!

While COVID-19 dominates headlines and has affected us all, it’s important to remind you that other important work is continuing at City Hall. The City is still seeking to solve a huge potential threat from flooding of the City’s main water treatment facility as well as continuing work on the annexation of Highway 76 so that work can begin again to improve and revitalize that area. Legislative issues with Wayfair and other economic factors that affect the City of Branson are also still being pursued.

The impact of this dread disease will continue until we can all feel safe in our community again. The harder we work now to follow the CDC guidelines, use common sense, and to keep this disease at bay, the sooner we can all recover from this inconvenience to our personal freedom.

Please, if called to prayer, continue to do so. The world, our nation, our state, and our community need our prayers.

Thank you for letting me serve you,

Mayor Edd Akers

