Excerpts from Branson School’s Chalk Talk

190826 Chalk Talk Logo

190826 Chalk Talk Logo - Excerpts from Branson School's Chalk TalkLove and Logic Parenting Classes Available

Our first session of Love and Logic parenting classes will begin Wednesday, September 4and continue for consecutive Wednesdays through October 9. All classes will be held in Cedar Ridge Elementary from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. Pam Hazell, Cedar Ridge Elementary counselor, will facilitate the sessions. Interested persons may register via e-mail at the following address: hazellp@branson.k12.mo.us or phone 334-5135, ext. 2031.

Love and Logic is designed to help parents with the most important and difficult job they have – being a parent and teaching responsibility to their children. Our belief is that when teachers and parents join together to promote and model good decision-making skills, our children will experience great benefits. The workshops are free of charge and open to all district parents, guardians and grandparents. Childcare is provided.

PTO Membership Drive Begins

PTO memberships are being solicited from parents and members of our community. The annual fee is only $5 per family and all money collected supports student/class activities.

Please place your membership fee in an envelope and send it to your child’s school. Checks can be made payable to Branson PTO. Include your child’s name and classroom on the outside envelope. Thanks for your support of PTO and its efforts to support our students and our teachers.

If you have comments or inquiries regarding Chalk Talk, please send them to chalktalk@branson.k12.mo.us.
