Recycling in Historic Downtown Branson

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Steve Hartley, co-owner of Dick’s 5 & 10 in Historic Downtown Branson with one of new recycle bins.

To better serve the recycling needs of Branson’s visitors, the City of Branson has added eighteen new blue recycle bins in downtown Branson. The new recycle bins are part of the city’s “Historic Downtown Improvement Project.”

“Branson is committed to sustainability in all its city operations, and to ensuring a safe and environmentally sound community for residents and visitors,” said Mayor Karen Best. “Many tourists come from other cities where recycling is the norm. We want to make recycling easy during their visit here, too.”

The recycle bins complement the new overall design theme of the project and are at various downtown intersections and in Liberty Plaza. They are side by side next to the regular trash bins, so visitors can easily choose either landfill or recycle.

Recycling has been a part of the City of Branson operations since 1992 and is available 24/7 at two drop off locations: 550 Compton Road and at the United Methodist Church at 2208 West Highway 76. A full service recycle center is available at 550 Compton Road, and staffed 7-2, Monday through Saturday. All recycle facilities accept cardboard, cans, paper, glass and plastics. For more information call 337-8566 or go to
