Branson Police in partnership with Project Lifesaver

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170915 Logo City Branson - Branson Police in partnership with Project LifesaverThe Branson Police Department is pleased to announce a partnership with Project Lifesaver. Project Lifesaver is the premier search and rescue program operated internationally by public safety agencies, and is strategically designed for “at risk” individuals who are prone to the life threatening behavior of wandering. The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children with the propensity to wander due to a cognitive condition.

A transmitter is fitted to the at risk individual and a radio receiver is then used to track the location of the transmitter. This reduces the time in locating a wandering individual from hours to mere minutes.

The Project Lifesaver program is more than wearable locating technology. Branson Police Officers have been certified by Project Lifesaver, and given the necessary tools to respond to safety situations involving children and adults with autism, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitive conditions. The program trains first responders to understand the behaviors of individuals with these conditions so they are able to interact with this growing population in an effective and successful manner.

Applications to participate in this wonderful life saving program are currently being accepted. You can go to the City of Branson’s website to download an application or pick one up at the police department. With future funding we hope to expand the program beyond our residents to our guests that visit Branson on vacation. For more information please call me, Lieutenant Barnwell, at 337-8593.
